No. 72 Wines of the Jura


Available only in print

A Particular Taste: Vin Jaune and Other Traditional Wines of the Jura
Edward Behr

Addresses in the Franche-Comté
Edward Behr

Mexican Vanilla: Sketches in Papantla
Corinna Sargood

A Taste by Any Other Name: Umami Comes West
Rowan Jacobsen

Squash Soup with Vin Jaune
Potée jurasienne
Poulet au vin jaune et aux morilles

Notes and Resources
Garlic, Dried French Morels, Filet Green Beans, Mexican Vanilla Edward Behr

Book Review
Lee Reich’s “Uncommon Fruits for Every Garden” Keith Crotz

Issue 72 | 2006

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